- Status Neu
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Fehlerbericht
- Category GUI & Server → TimecodePlayer
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System Windows 10
- Severity High
- Reported Version 3.3 RC x
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
FS#5249 - Timecode Player UI - cue time adjustment is erratic / incorrect, and fade time is awkward to add
Issue 1:
Adjusting the cue start time in the Timecode player seems very erratic and inaccurate.
See this video: https://vimeo.com/904891438/2e89a27c8b?share=copy
I slowly drag the “Cue B” start time across the timeline.
As I drag, the display is very jumpy/flickering. The cue start time value in the cuelist window is gradually incrementing as I drag, but it is not showing the same time as the position of the cue in the Timecode Player window.
I’ve attached a screenshot which shows that as I’m dragging the cue start time over the ~3 second mark in the Timecode Player, the value displayed in the Cuelist editor is 00:00:02.006
I think this is a different issue to FS#5239 which described the cuelist times working in frames rather than milliseconds which is why I’m reporting it.
Issue 2:
I notice that in order to add a fade time to a cue from the Timecode Player, I first have to set a delay time of greater than zero in order to access the fade time handle.
See this video:
Cue A has an initial delay greater than zero, so I’m able to change the fade time by clicking and dragging the top of the cue.
Cue B has fade and delay times of zero, and I’m not able to change the fade time unless I first add a delay by clicking and dragging the bottom of the cue.
It would be easier if it wasn’t necessary to create a temporary delay time in order to access the fade control handle.
If you need any additional information, let me know.
Thanks as always for all your work on this!