- Status Neu
- Prozent erledigt
- Aufgabentyp Wunsch / Idee
- Kategorie GUI & Server → TimecodePlayer
- zuständig niemand
- Betriebssystem All
- Schweregrad niedrig
- betrifft Version 3.3 RC x
- fällig in Version unbestimmt
fällig am
- Stimmen
- versteckt
gehört zu Projekt: DMXControl 3
angelegt von wide - 04.01.2024
zuletzt bearbeitet von LightningBrothers - 04.01.2024
angelegt von wide - 04.01.2024
zuletzt bearbeitet von LightningBrothers - 04.01.2024
FS#5240 - Addiontal fade curves for transitions of cues in cuelist track
The curve of the fade, but I would like a curve other than linear.
The image looks like this.
For providing additional fade curves in the cuelist track of the timecode player, they need to implement basically in the cuelist itself - regarding the ticket FS#4279 including the comments.
But currently you can create you own fade curves, when you use a executor track and move the fader. This we show in our livestream around the timecode player.