Bugtracker DMXControl 3

Bugtracker für DMXControl 3

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IDFortschrittKategorieAufgabentypSchweregradZusammenfassungStatusbetrifft Versionfällig in Versionangelegtzuletzt geändertangelegt von
TimecodePlayerFehlerberichtniedrigTimecode Player - waveform displays incorrectly at high...Zugeteilt3.3 RC xTBD (UIS)21.01.202408.11.2024philbearman Aufgabenbeschreibung

The audio waveform view doesn’t seem to redraw properly beyond a certain level of zoom.

See this video:


You can see that the audio file has a waveform which is visible until the end of the song at 3m30s.

In the video I start to zoom in on the timeline, and 15 seconds into the video you can see the waveform starts to render incorrectly.

You can see at the end of the video that the end of the waveform which should be appearing at 3m30s is now appearing at 3m05s in the timeline view

This problem doesn’t occur when viewing the audio spectrum view, only the waveform.

It is repeatable on different audio tracks, and on tracks of different lengths (I tried a track that was only 40 seconds long and the same thing happened).

I hope the video demonstrates the problem - let me know if you need any additional information.

GUIWunsch / IdeeniedrigImprovements to keyboard shortcuts for faster workflowNeu3.3 RC x30.12.202301.08.2024philbearman Aufgabenbeschreibung

Hi all,

It would be useful to have a lot more keyboard shortcuts available in DMXC3 to speed up workflow by allowing you to use a combination of mouse clicks and key presses rather than having to do almost everything with the mouse.

I understand there are plans to implement central keyboard management at some point - here are my suggestions for functions that would benefit from having assignable keyboard shortcuts:

* Shortcuts to open windows (cuelist editor with most recently used cuelist, most recently used stage view, cuelists, effects & filters, presets, programmer etc.)

* Context-aware shortcuts - for example, it would be intuitive to have Ctrl-N create a New entry in whatever window is selected, whether that’s the Cuelist window, the Device windows etc.

* The “Lumos”/”Nox” functions. This could just be a single key that toggles the dimmer between 0% and 100% (so for example you could just select devices in the stage view and then tap a key to set their dimmer to 100%, and press it again to set it to 0% - this would make programming much quicker)

* “GO” on cuelist

Shortcuts should also be listed on the menus and should pop up as tooltips when hovering over buttons in the UI. This would make it much easier to learn what the shortcuts are rather than having to refer to the manual.

All the best,

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